Sunday, May 4, 2008

Quote of The Week, Bogusky - 5/4/08

We like to go with that one idea that we’ve really fallen in love with. That one idea that’s most highly evolved and expresses itself really easily. But you have to be careful about that Eureka moment where you have the feeling that you’ve found the perfect campaign. Because if you don’t apply scrutiny to your idea afterwards you can end up realizing that you haven’t been in love – you only had a mental orgasm.

-Alex Bogusky, CP+B

I have mental orgasms pretty much every other day. I come up with things that I'm excited about all the time. Things that I write down that the world will never know about. I'm the epitome of the "go-with-your-first-decent-idea" guy.

The problem?

Most of it is just that. Decent.

And I think a good way to look at decent, is the same way we look at shit.

dubs. out.

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