Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quote of The Week, Goodby - 4/26/09

I think the best thing about the advertising industry is that it should be very afraid that it could disappear in its current form. And that’s a good thing. It’s forcing everybody to ask themselves, ‘what am I doing? Am I really lending any value to anything? Am I doing anything anybody cares about? Am I doing anything relevant? Could I wake up tomorrow and be totally irrelevant?’... These are good questions for advertising people these days… It forces us to think far and wide about what we’re really doing here and why.

-Jeff Goodby

Sometimes when I'm slumming through an assignment I'm not enjoying, I feel a slight twinge. It feels like God is reaching down and flicking the back of my neck, annoyingly. It's this vague feeling that tells me I'm making the kind of work that pollutes the world with more clutter. The kind that makes "normal" people hate advertising.

I hate this feeling.

dubs. out.

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