Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quote of The Week, Bedbury – 3/30/08

In the future, advertising will have to be more intelligent, more entertaining, and more rewarding than it is today. I suggest that all major advertisers contemplate this: Imagine that in the future television viewers can get free TV but have to allow advertising from fifty brands. If they could pick from thousands of brands’ advertising, would your brand be on the short list? How welcome are you?

-Scott Bedbury, A New Brand World

To celebrate finishing Bedbury’s book, I figured the least I could do is honor him with this addition.

I copied down a lot of what he said, but this particular sentiment at the end stuck out to me, because it got me thinking ‘what if?’

And now, with the true advent and explosion of the internet, with DVRs, YouTube, Facebook, clickers, and ever-shortening attention spans, his ‘what if?’ is more like 'what now?'.

dubs. out.

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