Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tears From Thailand

They say that everyone needs a good cry every once in a while. It's good for your overall well-being, it disposes of toxic substances, and it allows you to open yourself to feelings from within.

Aristotle wrote that it “cleanses the mind.” There's a Jewish saying that, “What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.” In Japan they have crying lounges, where businessmen unwind after work by watching weepy films, sidestepping the bar and the karaoke club.

As students we deal with a lot of rejection and frustration, ups and downs, good days and terrible. But very rarely do we let it get to us to the point where we’ll benefit from a good cry.

If you’re like me and you need a little extra stimulus, try this life insurance ad from Thailand (researching for Allstate clearly yields interesting things).

The translation is a little rough, and at times it feels like you're watching a sappy movie trailer, but by God does it gets the job done.

dubs. out.

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