Sunday, December 2, 2007

Quote of the Week, Merkin – 12/2/07

"I used to say determination was the key. Not giving up, being relentless about developing the best book you can. Not settling, etc, etc. I think that's still true, but I realize that most junior people already have that. Determination is the price of entry. Even if you do get a job, your lack of determination will always catch up with you. So yeah, let's assume you've already got the will. Let's assume your ideas feel smart and that they're executed in a fresh way. Let's assume you're not an asshole and that you understand the value of being a team player. Now what? Well, here's the part too many creatives tend to forget. The minute you join an agency your student work begins to become irrelevant. The minute you create your first real campaign, that starts becoming irrelevant too. The minute you win your first award. The minute you get your first promotion. The minute you become a creative director or decide to start your own agency. Irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant. You got into this business to be creative and make things that are genuinely new. Never, ever lose that creative spirit that inspired you to get into the business. Never stop loving the process of making ideas. Keep saying to yourself, it's not what I've done, it's what I'll go on to do. Your best work should always be ahead of you."

-Ari Merkin, Founder & CCO, Toy NY

I saw Ari Merkin at's Portfolio Night in New York this past summer. He had just opened Toy, and it was well-known that he was among the nicest and most talented greats in the business. Hands down the most impressive guy in the room. People were literally cornering him and flinging their books in his face from all directions. Not surprisingly, when he got up to go to the bathroom, he took the necklace with his name tag on it and flipped it around so no one would bother him.

Good call.

dubs. out.

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