Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Day The World Will Come Together

Today, May 10th, is Pangea Day.

Pangea Day is a global event in which a live program of impactful films, live music, and speakers from around the globe will be broadcast – in seven languages – to millions of people worldwide through the internet, TV, and mobile phones.

It was the wish of filmmaker Jehane Noujaim, who in 2006 won the TED Prize, an annual award given at the TED Conference in Monterey, CA. She was granted $100,000 along with her one wish to change the world.

Hers was to create a day in which the world came together through film, and looks as if it's going to be the world's first truly global event, something that has been thousands of years in the making.

To get a further view of what this day means, check out this:

And this, which I thought was incredible:

The idea of world peace has become an eye-rolling cliche, something devalued by the empty wishes of beauty queens and those who consider caring trendy. But I really do believe that the more we can start to see things through the eyes of others, the more we will move towards a peaceful world.

dubs. out.

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