Sunday, May 18, 2008

Reflections From Week 30

We had our portfolio reviews yesterday. I know I've been using the word "anticlimactic" a lot recently, but there is really no better adjective to describe it.

But with that, I am officially done with 2 semesters of grad school.

Everyone I've talked to has said that First Year at the Brandcenter is the hump. It's where you find out about yourself, learn to trust yourself, and get to know what it is that makes you tick.

I can't think of any particular time where I've grown more both mentally and maturity-wise than this past year, and for that I am incredibly thankful.

Like last semester, here's my run-down of what I thought.

As if you give a shit.

Earl Cox's Strategic Brand Concepts- Earl said that this was perhaps the most important class we will take in our time here, and although most of the creatives groaned when he said that, I think the old man was right. Earl's was where everything came together. It's what makes the ad business a business, where creativity meets commerce, the reason the artist inside us can pay the bills.

Cabell Harris' Ad Concept Development- Out of every professor at the Brandcenter, with all of the egos and the money and successes, there is still only one man whose life I would aspire to have. Cabell is the epitome of a man who has become wildly successful, wealthy and famous doing what he loves, and yet has still remained humble. What was great about Cabell's class is that he's interested in solving problems, not making ads. If there is a void in the human experience and a brand can fill that void, he's all for it. Ads are the last thing he wants, and out of everyone at this school, he has truly grasped the fact that this is where the business is heading.

Coz Cotzias' Concepts of Copy II- Last semester I called Coz a beast. A mean, tempermental, genius beast. I take nothing back from that statement. Coz is often mean--there's nothing untruthful about that--but he's always mean with a purpose. He cares about us, and sometimes I think we forget that. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Coz is the best professor at this school, and he's probably the best teacher I've ever had. He is the main reason for the Brandcenter's success, and I almost feel guilty now for ever doubting his methods. It took me a long time to realize that he wasn't holding us back, but instead (to use a lame metaphor) was laying the start of tracks that would let our trains go on their own. (Goddamn that was lame)

Looking forward to summer, to Boulder, to Crispin, and to the next 5 days of freedom in between what I know was an endless barrage of work, and what I've heard is an even bigger endless barage of work before returning to another endless barrage of work.

I'm glad I enjoy what I do.

dubs. out.

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