Sunday, December 23, 2007

Quote of The Week, Hogshead - 12/23/07

"Business isn’t a coin with 'risk' on one side and 'security' on the other; it’s a two-headed coin and that head is risk. Not taking a risk is risky. And if you take a risk, well, that’s risky too. The landscape is changing so quickly that we must literally invent as we go. There are no off-the-rack solutions anymore. Today, the opposite of risk isn’t security. The opposite of risk is getting run over by a truck filled with a shipment of status quo while you dawdle in the middle of the road."

-Sally Hogshead

While working at Wieden & Kennedy in her second year after graduating from Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Sally Hogshead won more awards than any other copywriter in the country. In her third year she judged the top national shows. In her fourth year she opened her own boutique agency, Robaire & Hogshead. She then went on to found the West Coast office of Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

All before age 30.

Basically, the most badass junior career of all time (besides David Droga). There are worse people to seek advice from.

I highly recommend her blog, particularly her essay, 83 things I wish someone had told me while I was learning how to be creative.

Some of my favorites of hers:

dubs. out.

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