Ahhh, protein. For our second assignment in copywriting, the product was New-Whey Liquid Protein. Aside from a dreadful name (which we subsequently renamed the Liquid Protein Bullet) and absolutely abominable packaging (a couple of batteries and the thing might have started vibrating), the product itself was pretty remarkable: 42g of protein in a 3 oz. indestructible dildo-esque tube, 0g fat, 0g sugar, 0g carbs, 0g cholesterol, 176 calories.
Pretty much God in a 3 oz. liquid form.
While my partner James and I probably did close to 50 executions that we presented to the class (and hundreds more ridiculous and juvenile ideas that never saw the light of day outside our minds or notebooks), I am going against my gut instincts and am putting up what I'm pretty sure are my 5 favorites: 2 one-shots. 1 campaign.
Due to the uniqueness of the product, our entire strategy revolved around convenience and ease-of-use.
Enjoy. I hope.
Visual: stopwatch at 3 seconds. Headline: Dinner. Product shot. Tag: 42g of protein in 3 oz.
Visual: man on a bike. Yes, that's a chicken peeking out of his backpack. Product shot. Tag: Ridiculously convenient protein.
Tag: 42g of protein in 3 oz.
Tag: 42g of protein in 3 oz.
Tag: 42g of protein in 3 oz.
Our new assignment is for Toastmasters International, a nonprofit organization that offers club-like meetings in which professionals can practice and hone communication and leadership skills in a supportive environment.
Preliminary thoughts: Speaking in front of a group of people is terrifying. An obvious insight, but a truth nonetheless. Where we go from there remains to be seen...
With every new assignment, there is another opportunity to do something truly great.
Let's see what happens this time.
dubs. out.